Tel: 010 300 0279


Grotius BuildingDr A. Grotius is located in Lynnwood, Pretoria. The operating hours are from 8am till 5pm Monday to Thursday. On Fridays they close at 4pm. The practice does not open on weekends, but for emergencies please see contact number at the bottom of page.

Dr Grotius and his highly skilled staff take extreme pride in their services and offer high quality dentistry. The highly effective dental techniques they use are very modern yet gentle. These techniques used can straighten crooked teeth, repair chipped or broken teeth, replace missing teeth and to top all this off, it can clean and whiten stained teeth. Dr Grotius offer solutions to most dental problems.

They offer services of the highest standard and they strive towards the total satisfaction of their clients.

They specialise in :

• Cosmetic and aesthetic solutions
• Full oral rehabilitations
• Periodontal treatment and oral medicine
• Implant supported crowns and bridges
• Tissue regeneration
• Dentures
• Bleaching
• Oral hygiene-maintenance and cleanings

These are to name but a few.

ina1There ia a qualified and highly skilled Dental Hygienist who is a breath expert at Dr Grotius’s practice. Ina van den Berg qualified as a dental hygienist in 2007 at the University of Pretoria. Ina has experience in orthodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics and surgery.

Therabreath products stocked :

Therabreath Oral Rinse (Original)
Therabreath Toothpaste (Original)
Therabreath Mandarin Mint Lozenges
Therabreath PLUS Oral Rinse
Therabreath Throat Spray
Therabreath Sugar Free Gum
Therabreath Periotherapy Oral Rinse
Therabreath PLUS Toothpaste

Contact Information

442 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria
Phone – 012 348-0665
Emergency No. : 071 401 6943

Map and Directions to Dr A. Grotius, Lynnwood, Pretoria