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teeth tips healthyEvery little bit that we do towards keeping our teeth and gums strong and healthy is an advantage. Besides doing the norm of brushing (remember to use a soft bristled toothbrush), rinsing and flossing twice a day, below we suggest some other things you can do to ensure that those pearly whites stay in good health.

Dental hygiene visits

If your teeth are healthy, a dentist visit once a year is good, however if you have fillings, cavities and tooth decay it is advisable to visit the dentist at least every six months or otherwise as advised by your dentist. Children need to visit the dentist from age one at least every six months. Dentist visits are very important to ensure that your teeth get a thorough scale and polish from a dental hygienist, and to have your teeth and gums checked for any signs of gum disease, mouth ulcers or tooth decay.


Our number one tip should not come as a surprise. We know how beneficial drinking water is to our bodies, but it is also very important for our teeth and gums. Tap water contains no sugars or acids and is full of fluoride. Fluoride is the “stuff” that makes your tooth’s enamel strong. Your teeth will be protected against that dreaded decay.

Dairy products

There are two products that are really good for your teeth.

Milk is packed full of calcium and protein. Calcium is extremely good for your teeth. The best milk to drink would be full fat or low fat.

Hard cheese
As with milk and any dairy products hard cheese in particular also has the calcium and proteins. Hard cheese however also has the added benefit of it stimulating your saliva flow when you chew it. More saliva means less acid, more calcium, more phosphate and more buffers. Cheddar is good to chew, but Parmesan cheese is the best because it is so hard.

Healthy eating

Sugars are an absolute no no for your teeth. Sugars produce acid, and acid eats away at your tooth’s enamel. Eventually you will have no more enamel protecting your teeth. Your teeth will then be vulnerable to tooth decay and your gums will become infected. After some time gum disease sets in and eventually your teeth will start to fall out.

Vegetables are always good to eat because they are filled with vitamins and minerals. Carrots and celery are especially beneficial for your teeth. They have a great crunch and are completely unprocessed. The great benefit for your teeth in eating these veggies raw is that they will never leave any residue on your teeth.

Just as with vegetables, fruits are full of valuable nutrients. But we also know that fruit contains natural sugars, and any sugars are bad for your teeth. Instead of drinking a glass of fruit juice (full of sugar), rather eat fresh fruit. As an extra precaution, it is advised that you rinse out your mouth after having a fruit, to rinse off the sugar that might be sticking to your teeth.

Chew on some sugar free gum

Chewing on sugar free gum after meals for twenty minutes is a very good idea. By chewing gum, you get the saliva production going in your mouth. Why is this good you ask? Saliva plays a big role in neutralising any acids present in the mouth and by chewing gum after a meal it helps this process along much faster than it would occur naturally.

Protect your teeth with a mouth guard

The saying goes that any sport has its injuries. One of these is a chipped tooth (or worse). Even a little thing like a chipped tooth is something that you will have to take care of for the rest of your life. The chipped tooth will need attention and maintenance on an ongoing basis throughout your life. Can you imagine what it will be like for a major tooth injury? The best way to prevent any of this from happening, is by wearing a mouth guard every time you play sports.

You can never be too careful or take enough care of your teeth. You only have one chance to do this once your adult teeth have developed. Once the damage is done, that’s it. No second or third sets of teeth growing out again to replace the old.