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Bad breath treatmentBad breath can be treated effectively. The cause of halitosis is the build up of bacteria on the tongue and in the throat. When these bacteria are left to multiply they release a volatile sulphur compound which we experience as bad breath.

The treatment of the accumulation of these anaerobic bacteria is through a treatment for halitosis that involves exposing the bacteria to high doses of oxygen which is what Therabreath products are designed to do. Anaerobic bacteria cannot survive in oxygen rich environments and the essential products to getting your bad breath treated and under control are firstly the use of a tongue cleaner. The tongue cleaner is drawn across the surface of the tongue to remove any surface mucous and to expose the bacteria which are embedded in between the fillae on your tongue.

The next step is to use the Therabreath Oxygenating toothpaste with a soft brush so as not to damage your gums and begin the oxygenating process. Therabreath toothpaste is odourless tasteless toothpaste that you may not be used to and is designed to eliminate bacteria rather than mask your bad breath with a mint flavour.

The final step is the use of the Therabreath Oral Rinse which provides a high dose of oxygen to the exposed bacteria effectively killing of large amounts of the bacteria in an effective treatment for halitosis.

This process is sufficient in most cases to effectively treat halitosis but in severe cases there are power drops and the serum for use during the day. The serum is a highly concentrated oxygenating formula that delivers a very high dose of oxygen to the mouth, throat and tongue and can also be used to increase the potency of the mouthwash.

In very few cases halitosis is as a result of gum disease which effectively releases blood into your mouth which the bacteria feed on. Blood has a very high level of protein in it and serves as food for the bacteria which multiply quickly.

Start treating your halitosis right away by ordering Therabreath products and enjoy the confidence that goes with the knowledge that your breath is fresh when in company. There is a bad breath treatment in Therabreath; the world’s best selling halitosis treatment for over 17 years. ORDER THERABREATH HALITOSIS TREATMENT NOW