If you have a Smartphone you know that the apps you can download from Google Play Store are endless and they cost next to nothing to download or you can get them for free. But did you know that you get apps especially for dental hygiene? Let’s have a look below at some of the best app we found.
Brush Well If you have small children and you want some help teaching them how to brush their teeth properly, and make the learning process fun, then we recommend you try the Brush Well app. The children have a choice of four different monsters to show them how to brush and which parts in their mouth should be brushed. There is also a choice of one and two minutes brushing times. This app also provides some fun music to brush your teeth to and really attempts to make time in the bathroom in front of the mirror a fun time.
Dentist Office This game is great to teach kids that a dentist is nothing to fear and that he is there to help them keep their teeth strong and healthy. They will also see that by looking after their teeth they will never get the oral problems that some of the patients in the game can get. This game will teach them some valuable tips on how to look after their teeth.
Most of us have feared a visit to the dentist at some stage of our lives and a lot of that has to do with the unknown!
Braces If you or your children have or are going to have braces then this app is ideal for you. This app is your personal journal on the progress of your teeth from beginning to end. You can load pictures of your teeth at every dentist appointment and you can look back and see how much improvement there has been.
For those who have braces this is a really cool app. Show your dentist or your friends how the braces have transformed your smile and even once they are off, you will have a reminder of how braces changed your life.
Dental Anatomy If you have ever wanted a closer look at teeth and their function as well as all the procedures that can be done then we have the perfect app for you to download. Dental Anatomy is packed full of information on almost all aspects of teeth as well as great images.
Teeth and the oral cavities are incredibly interesting, like for example, did you know that there are more bacteria in your mouth than any other part of your body? And I mean ANY other part of your body.
Benjamin Underwood – Brush DJ Would you believe this app was developed by a dentist. Not only does music play for the amount of time you need to brush your teeth (2 minutes,) it also has a visual display showing where you need to brush. This app was developed to help prevent tooth decay, gum disease and a sparkling smile.