Dear __________________,
We recently received a message from someone very close to you who asked us to send you this note. They thought you may need some help with a problem that affects millions of people all over the world. That issue is bad breath.
Many people falsely believe that bad breath is due to a lack of proper oral hygiene. This is absolutely not true. Bad breath is typically caused by bacteria that lives on everyone’s tongue and throat surfaces (and tonsils if they are present). When this bacteria multiplies beyond our body’s natural ability to keep it in check, the result is chronic bad breath.
The great news about bad breath is that, with the latest advances in oral care, it is easily and affordably treatable. I have personally helped hundreds of thousands of people in over 70 countries to say goodbye to this embarrassing problem and finally breathe with confidence. Many of my previous patients were completely unaware that they even had a problem until someone who cared sent them a friendly note like this one. Please don’t be embarrassed. It’s practically impossible to detect your own bad breath! (It’s a quirk of the brain called acclimation, which prevents you from judging your own breath).
To help you learn about effective solutions for your particular problem, I recommend you take our very easy Oral Care Evaluation at the end of this email.It is a short yes/no survey that is meant to highlight potential problem areas that can often lead to bad breath, gum disease, and other oral care issues. Based on your responses, we can give you customized tips and recommendations to solve your breath problem. Your personalized evaluation is completely private, and absolutely free!
We have a great deal of information about this very misunderstood problem on our including information on products which attack the bacteria with oxygenating products and also simple tips on foods to avoid.
Thank you for taking the time to read this note. Again, please do not be offended by this email. It is meant to inform you that there is a simple way to get rid of a troubling problem.
Dr. Harold Katz,
Inventor of the TheraBreath System
Director, California Breath Clinics